
The New Moon Tonight Could Bring You An Epiphany

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“The solar eclipse and the New Moon in Aries this April 20, 2023 lays the foundation for a new path forward,” says Nour Param Devi.

On April 20, 2023, which sees the New Moon take place, the heavenly body is to play hide and seek. In the lunar calendar, this event is the moment when the Moon finds itself between the Sun and the Earth, with its visible side no longer lit by the Sun. Leading up to this fourth New Moon of the year–let’s not forget that it is, also, a solar eclipse–we asked the yoga-therapist Nour Pellé aka Nour Param Devi (her spiritual name), how to take advantage of this “super-powerful” New Moon.

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What will the New Moon in Aries on April 20, 2023, bring us?

A new reality

“The New Moon Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 is the first eclipse we’ve had in Aries since 2015, kicking off a new cycle of eclipses that will continue to take place until March 2025. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries activates a gateway to a new reality. Doors will open, bringing new opportunities and new paths. Some of these opportunities may surprise us while others may be things we have been working on for some time. The overpowering energy behind this eclipse will unveil the shroud, increasing our sensitivity, creativity and intuition. With the Aries energy being so strong, this is an opportunity to find the courage to truly take control of your life. As the energies of the eclipse flow, use them to set intentions, visualize desired outcomes, see things in a new way, and stay open to the abundance of the Universe. This is a time of high energy that will guide us into the next chapter of our lives.”

The inner fire

“The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries is a hybrid between an annular eclipse, where a ring of fire can be seen around the Sun, and a total eclipse, where the Sun is completely blocked. Hybrid eclipses are incredibly rare and can suggest a transition or perhaps a change, a passage between two worlds. Just as the eclipse changes from total to annular, it may be that something in our lives is also preparing to change. This eclipse, which falls in the sign of Aries, is the second consecutive lunar cycle to begin in this fire sign. The first was on March 21, during the New Moon in Aries. Having two consecutive strong lunar cycles in the sign of Aries indicates an intensity around this energy. Aries is a fire sign, and the fire element that lives in all of us gives us strength, courage, passion and determination. However, when it burns too hot, the fire element can lead to anger, attacks, destruction, impulsiveness and ego. Balancing our own inner fire may be a theme of this eclipse. We may feel the Aries energy pushing us to stand up for ourselves, to jump into the new and find the confidence to walk through the new doors that are opening for us. But you may also need to step back, tame your ego, take responsibility for any destruction and reconsider the voice in your heart. Whether your inner fire needs to be stoked or doused, this eclipse will be your guide, helping you move into a new state of being or perhaps even a new reality. The transition taking place under this hybrid eclipse will be mirrored within, so pay attention to how you are guided to move forward.”

The emergence of the new

“The April solar eclipse falls at 29 degrees of Aries, the last degree of the sign. The last degree of a zodiac sign is considered a highly charged and karmic point and is known as the anaretic degree. Such a powerful eclipse at this highly charged point indicates that a karmic event or destiny is taking place. It also indicates that something is coming to a point of closure, making way for the emergence of the new. Eclipses have long been known to bring destiny or karmic events, but this April eclipse seems to be particularly related to the divine realms. The 29th degree is also regarded as the highest point of consciousness, where we are able to integrate all the lessons of this zodiac sign and operate from its highest expression. At its highest level of expression, Aries invites confidence, courage, passion and a good balance of leadership. See where you can create space to welcome these themes into your life under the eclipse.”


“Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is also triggered by this solar eclipse. Although Pluto rules the process of transformation from death to rebirth, it feels like the energy of rebirth will be highlighted more strongly here. Pluto’s presence, coupled with the powerful solar eclipse, can help bring unimaginable opportunities and realizations that help us to be fully reborn and transformed into a higher version of ourselves.”


“The Aries New Moon solar eclipse is rich in fertile and creative energy that we can use to shape the next chapter of our lives. We are co-creators of the Universe, so let’s use that power to work with the eclipse by exploring manifestation and setting intentions. Let’s keep our vibrations high, anything is possible, especially when we take charge. Under this eclipse in Aries, know that our power to set intentions is heightened, that it is easier to seek opportunities and to take a leap of faith and put yourself first. Allow your authentic self to shine, and opportunities will come your way!”

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