How the Pandemic Paved the Way for Randy Torrecampo’s Goodness Graze
Vogue Partnerships

How the Pandemic Paved the Way for Randy Torrecampo’s Goodness Graze

Inspired by his European travels, Randy Torrecampo’s Goodness Graze flourished during the pandemic and is now expanding across Metro Manila.

The journey of Goodness Graze traces back to owner Randy Torrecampo’s time in university. While pursuing a degree in mass communications, he ventured into different businesses. These included something as simple as selling cookies to classmates to bigger initiatives such as franchising a burger joint or exploring glass jewelry sales.

However, it was a fortuitous suggestion from a friend and a trip around Europe that inspired Torrecampo to establish his catering business in 2019, just before the onset of the pandemic. During his travels in Amsterdam and Belgium, he would stop at shops that sold cheese wheels and pastries. “Having conversations with the owners and storekeepers made me learn more about the stories and history of each food item, [which] made me appreciate each of them more,” he explains, “until one day I thought, ‘why not bring that experience to the Philippines?’” 

Goodness Graze’s table with assorted charcuterie, cheeses, and fruits, surrounded by fresh flowers. Photo by Ed Simon.
Goodness Graze’s table with assorted charcuterie, cheeses, and fruits, surrounded by fresh flowers. Photo by Ed Simon
Croissant sandwiches, along with cucumber and tomato egg sandwiches on the grazing table. Photo by Ed Simon
Croissant sandwiches, along with cucumber and tomato egg sandwiches on the grazing table. Photo by Ed Simon

But then the pandemic hit, which, in a way, allowed his business to thrive. As people sought out smaller, more intimate gatherings, his grazing tables became a hit. Still, Torrecampo admits that he was sometimes on the edge of his seat. “There were too many uncertainties so we had to make a lot of calculated moves to ensure our survival,” he said. Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, his business evolved from once a modest kitchen operation to a full-fledged commissary serving a variety of events, from intimate gatherings to large corporate functions. “I still can’t help but smile and feel proud because our team really gave our best to offer the best grazing experience despite our limitations during the pandemic.” Today, he sets his sights on an expansion to the south of Metropolitan Manila, including Tagaytay, Silang, and Cavite.

For Torrecampo, gathering around food is a family tradition that goes beyond just eating together; it’s about forming strong connections. In fact, he fondly recalls moments with his loved ones, “When we dine as a family, each dish would make us remember about a specific happy memory or a loved one who is associated with that dish. These stories further strengthened our bonds because food is always a delicious way to connect people.”

For more information about Goodness Graze’s catering services, please visit their website.

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