Elliot & Erick Jiménez | @elliotanderick
PhotoVogue is thrilled to announce its second Global Open Call. This year, PhotoVogue invites artists from around the world to submit work that challenges the traditional notions of beauty.
As all corners of the world experience cultural shifts, so too must the idea of beauty evolve. We are no longer constrained by gender, perfection, and homogeny: beauty is not a box to be checked, a pass-fail test based on antiquated norms. It is ever expanding, and always evolving, as we liberate ourselves from tired stereotypes that previously dominated our cultural landscape. Never before has expression been more diversified, and representation more far-reaching.
We are looking for artists who work across formats, whether through photography, video, or both, who address the question: What does beauty mean today? We welcome every kind of visual aesthetic—from realism to fantasy, documentary-inspired to glam, direct to suggestive. We will also accept projects created with AI, as long as its use is disclosed.
PhotoVogue is endorsed by all 27 editions of Vogue worldwide. If your work is selected, you will be part of the main exhibition at the 2023 PhotoVogue Festival in Milan and will have the chance to be featured in an issue of Vogue.
Additionally, we will select two artists who submit the most compelling and meaningful work and award them each a $5,000 grant to further their artistic endeavors and support their growth.
Through our past Open Calls, we’ve celebrated the female gaze, searched for the next great fashion image makers, highlighted diversity behind and in front of the camera, explored masculinity, reframed history, and always challenged stereotypes, clichés, and homogeneous representations.
With this Open Call, you could be one of the new voices that will shape not only Vogue’s future, but how we collectively experience culture. Join us and share your vision.
How to submit
The Open Call will run on Picter from today March 1st until Monday May 15th CET, 11:59 PM and submissions are free. Everyone is welcome to apply—the only requirement is to be at least 18 years old.
You may submit even if you have been selected from our previous Open Calls as long as you propose a new project.
So that we may support an inclusive and diverse vision, the submissions will be evaluated by Vogue staff from all over the world and by experts from the international visual community from a wide range of backgrounds.
Stay tuned for the full announcement of the jury soon.
This article was originally published on Vogue.com