For Magnesium, Eat More Of This Leafy Green Vegetable

This Leafy Green Is Packed With Magnesium

Photo by Cottonbro Studios / Pexels

Magnesium is the mineral du jour. Not only does it help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and even repair DNA, but it also “participates in many other physiological processes within the body,” confirms nutritionist Itziar Digon.

While you can take magnesium supplements, it’s even better to consume a magnesium-rich diet filled with fruits and vegetables. One food that’s an especially good source? Spinach. Not only is it filled with magnesium, but it can be cooked in a number of ways that don’t impact the nutritional benefits of the mineral. Nutritionist Paula Martin Clares notes that spinach is great for the “health of the skin, hair and bones because — in addition to magnesium — it contains calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and vitamins A ,C, E and K.”

Why is everyone so obsessed with magnesium?

Much like vitamin D, many of us are deficient in magnesium. However, we need it because it‘s involved in hundreds of bodily processes. “It keeps the muscles and immune system in good condition,” Digón explains to us, noting that it can also reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Isabel Viña Bas, resident doctor of endocrinology and nutrition at the supplement brand IVB Wellness Lab explains: “Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral within each of our cells. It is needed for more than 300 metabolic reactions, two of the most important being correct muscle contraction and relaxation (including in the blood vessels and heart) as well as optimal nerve function.” However, studies confirm that many of us are magnesium deficient, with common symptoms including muscle heaviness, insomnia and fatigue.

Magnesium in spinach

Spinach is a tried-and-true superfood for a reason — it’s low in calories (just seven per cup) yet rich in antioxidants that protect the liver, colon and eyes. As the doctor Olivier Courtin-Clarins notes in his book Beauty In My Recipes, spinach also promotes digestive wellbeing thanks to its high fibre content. It also helps stimulate bowel function and can aid in the body’s natural detox processes. With 24 mg of magnesium per cup of raw spinach, eating the green is a win-win for keeping everything running smoothly.

Is it better to eat spinach raw or cooked?

Leafy green vegetables like spinach can be eaten raw or cooked since heating them does not destroy magnesium — in fact, when spinach is cooked, the magnesium content actually rises. (Cooked spinach contains 157 mg of magnesium.) “While cooked vegetables lose a certain amount of water-soluble vitamins, the capacity of the body to absorb minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium is actually increased after cooking, since the molecular structure becomes more bioavailable,” explains Digón. To that end, she recommends eating cooked spinach at night to aid digestion and absorption and promote a good night’s sleep.

Easy ways to include spinach in your diet

With that in mind, there are a variety of ways that spinach can be added to the diet. Try spinach as a salad base as it works well with lots of other ingredients. For example, Courtin-Clarins advises combining spinach with cherry tomatoes, olive oil and white wine vinegar to create a simple salad. For extra nutrients, include a serving of protein such as chicken, turkey or tuna, and a small amount of healthy fats, like walnuts or avocado.

You can also add spinach to a smoothie. Nutritionist Beatriz Larrea recommends blending the leafy green with banana, blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds and nut milk. Or, toss a handful of spinach into pasta dishes, soups, omelettes and stir fries for an extra boost of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants and minerals.

This article was originally published on British Vogue.

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