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Reformer Pilates is the low-impact workout beloved by celebs including Hailey Bieber and Meghan Markle. But why exactly has it become the insider-favorite body sculpting class? Laura Quinn, head Pilates trainer at Alo Wellness Club in Los Angeles, says it’s all about the impressive transformation it brings: “The rise and popularity of reformer Pilates has come from people seeing their personal results quickly,” she notes.
Of course, the wider shift toward exercises that don’t stress the body and mind—something Jennifer Aniston credits as part of her own fitness evolution—may have something to do with it. Before the pandemic, the norm of grueling fitness routines and boot camps often “raised cortisol levels in the body,” says Marisa Fuller, owner of Studio Pilates in Brooklyn. “These workouts can leave us feeling exhausted and burnt out.”
Not so in Pilates, where the emphasis is on breathwork and maintaining a mind-body connection. In fact, it is not uncommon to leave a reformer Pilates class feeling energized rather than eviscerated. The workout fits perfectly into the “mindful exercise” trend that has swelled over the past few years—and there’s no doubt Pilates reformer workouts will only get more popular as more people experience the benefits. Below, a guide to reformer Pilates for beginners.
What is reformer Pilates?
Reformer Pilates is practiced on a reformer machine, originally designed by Joseph Pilates, the creator of Pilates. The reformer machine sits low to the ground and features a sliding platform, straps, pulleys, and a spring-based resistance system attached to a long, box-like frame. Many reformers are made of wood or metal and feature front and back platforms as well as handles and foot bars.
The machine may look intimidating, but it’s actually pretty intuitive to use once you get going. In fact, many people find that they love the alignment they feel while working with the reformer’s straps and springs. “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” agrees Abe Ahern, a Pilates teacher and mindfulness guide at Heimat and Heated Room in Los Angeles. “Whoever you are, and whatever type of body you have, you’re capable of this work.”
The beauty of reformer Pilates is that both the exercises and the machine are modifiable; The spring tension can be adjusted to suit any fitness level. “The hardest part as a beginner is just learning to become fluent with the machine itself,” Ahern notes. “It comes much quicker than you think.”
Quinn agrees. She says that her students usually arrive hoping for a visible transformation in their core or body overall, and reformer classes have the power to deliver that without the strain of other workouts: “Many of my clients come in telling me they cannot do specific exercises, but, in time, are doing them because we build the strength and release tension.”
The principles of reformer Pilates
Since the workout itself focuses on core activation, the benefits develop gradually. “Strengthening core muscles improves posture and helps to prevent injuries, but it also provides a stable base for the rest of the body,” says Fuller.
The reformer offers a smooth, low-impact way to build that base. “Using spring resistance, we take advantage of the unique properties of springs to challenge and provide resistance to the muscles,” Fuller explains of the logic behind the unique reformer machine design. “The springs provide constant tension to the target muscles, which in turn leads to better results as the muscles have to adapt to this constant level of tension.”
Quinn adds that performing controlled movements with a sense of flow and a focus on breathing and concentration are key. Doing something the right way a few times—and with the right alignment—is more important than pounding out a million reps with improper form. “Alignment is my most important principle to keep the body safe and prevent injuries in and outside the classroom,” she says.
What is the difference between mat Pilates and reformer Pilates?
Mat Pilates and reformer Pilates are similar but use different tools. Both types of Pilates were created by Joseph Pilates, and most Pilates experts say that mat work is the foundational basis of the overall practice. “Mat pilates can be very helpful for deepening connection to the core, balance, and you can take it anywhere,” Ahern explains.
To that end, the difference between the two is really a matter of equipment: “Reformer Pilates is a machine-based movement practice, while mat Pilates is done with few or no props on the ground,” Ahern says. “Both reformer and mat Pilates can be useful for flexibility, strength training, and dexterity or mind-body connection.”
Ahern notes that the traditional exercise choreography is similar in both practices but the experiences can feel different. “Because the reformer uses springs and tactile feedback from the machine, we can work against resistance in lots of directions, not just against gravity,” Ahern explains. “The machine provides a kind of traction or closed loop of activation that we don’t always feel in body-weight resistance.”
Because the reformer machine provides feedback on your alignment, many people actually find mat Pilates a little more difficult—and it may require increased attention to detail. “There is no source of resistance or stability other than what’s internal to your body in mat Pilates,” Ahern notes. “In many ways, mat Pilates can be more challenging because of this internal balancing.”
What are the benefits of reformer Pilates compared to other workouts?
Reformer Pilates utilizes the resistance of your own body weight, which can then be increased or decreased by adding or decreasing springs to completely customize the workout to your goals. From sculpting your body to improving your golf swing, there are a range of benefits.
“Reformer Pilates has so many incredible benefits including increased core strength, injury prevention, correcting muscle imbalances, improving posture, flexibility and so much more,” says Fuller. “It really is a jack-of-all-trades workout.”
The workout itself also offers a ton of variety. Thanks to the design of the machine, it’s possible to do hundreds of different exercises that can strengthen, stretch, and improve balance and range of motion, making it a great cross-training tool for a range of sports. “Reformer Pilates works on core stabilization which is vital to any athlete,” says Fuller, who name-checks muscle endurance, lactate tolerance, peripheral joint stability, and coordination as added bonuses.
The reformer machine also makes it possible to work parts of the body you may not normally think about during a regular strength training workout. “I like any exercises that take the spine from flexion (curling) to extension (arching),” Ahern notes. “Unlike mat Pilates, the design of the reformer means that you can support your body through deeper stretches.”
Who should try reformer Pilates?
Like mat Pilates, “Reformer Pilates is a low-impact—but high-result—workout,” Fuller explains, noting that it’s suitable for a wide range of clients, from supermodels to people dealing with injuries. It’s also great for fitness novices: “Those who might not have a lot of experience, or those who are a bit older and unable to do other forms of exercise are great candidates,” she says.
Fitness fanatics will see benefits, too. “Reformer Pilates can be particularly excellent for high performance athletes and for those who want to learn to sense and activate muscles more intentionally,” Ahern adds. “While Pilates is a form of strength training, its ability to shape the mind-body connection through controlled movement is really powerful.”
Tips for starting a reformer Pilates practice
Since maintaining proper form is a main principle, learning the moves with a set of professional eyes can help kick things off safely. “Unless you’re at an intermediate or advanced level, I wouldn’t recommend doing reformer Pilates at home, personally,” says Quinn, who thinks the first step to a reformer Pilates practice is finding a teacher or class setting that works for you.
Fuller agrees, emphasizing that precision is key, though she shares a few general tips:
Slow down
“Pilates isn’t about how fast you perform the repetitions,” says Fuller. “Instead, focus on controlling the movement to help isolate and strengthen the correct muscles.”
Coordination will catch up
“Everyone feels out of their element when they try Reformer Pilates for the first time, but don’t let that deter you—with every class you’ll gain confidence and feel the difference in your body as you develop strength and tone,” Fuller says. “There are a lot of different exercises that you’ll be learning so don’t worry if you don’t feel like you’ve mastered them in your first class!”
Focus on “the squeeze”
“All exercises have target muscles, so when performing the movements, be deliberate in squeezing the target muscle to actually move your body,” Fuller explains. “The more you focus on the squeeze, the more effective the exercise will be.”
Common reformer Pilates moves
Most reformer Pilates classes follow a sequence that flows between a wide range of exercises and body positions. You may, for example, begin class lying on your back for a series of leg pushes called “footwork”, place the straps in your hands for a series of roll-ups and crunches that work your core, move to a kneeling or sitting position for arm exercises like “serve the platter” and “hug a tree”, then finish with standing lunges, glute work, leg circles, and stretching. However, there is a near-endless variety of exercises that can be performed. A good instructor should guide you through each one using verbal cues and hands-on adjustments. Below, a few favorites:
The Horsekick
Fuller notes that for these exercises, both glutes are engaged with “one side to stabilize you, the other to kick the legs” and that one should aim to lift the leg to hip height—but only as high as you can without arching in the lower back. Start by “kneeling on all fours with the hands under the shoulders and the knees beneath the hips, neutral spine,” says Fuller. “Bring the supporting leg knee in slightly to be underneath the body, and lift the other knee off the floor. Exhale, extend the lifted leg out behind you. Inhale, bend the leg back in, underneath the hip.” Perform for 90 seconds and repeat.
The Reformer Bridge
This exercise is designed to “fire up” the glutes. “Lay on your back and plant your feet flat, hips weight distance apart,” says Quinn. “Start by slowly lifting your glutes into the air and gradually peel your spine off the mat until you’re in the bridge position, then, slowly reverse.” To make it a little more difficult, Quinn suggests trying it with one leg in the air and on alternate sides.
At-home reformer Pilates
While the reformer machine is unique, you can get similar benefits and results at home even if you don’t own a reformer. “You can’t replicate all its functions exactly, but by using a few props at home, you can improvise similar exercises,” Ahern says. He recommends using long resistance bands and a strong anchor point like a column. “Long resistance bands offer progressive resistance, just like springs, and can be used like the straps of the reformer for hands-in-straps exercises.”
Ahern also says that many of the items we already have around the house can fill in, too. “I’ve even done exercises on an ottoman, simulating box work on a reformer,” he notes, adding that you shouldn’t overlook the benefits of trying an online mat Pilates class : “Mat Pilates and reformer Pilates are very analogous, and the choreography is quite similar, so finding a good mat pilates program to practice at home can be just as effective as the reformer.”
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